2022.03.25 Hyundai Engineering & Construction

Hill State Gen Z Style: An Apartment Complex As A Trendy Gallery

Hyundai Engineering & Construction
Hyundai E&C introduced ‘Gen (Generation) Z Style’, a new design concept unique to the Hill State brand. Here are the details of ‘Gen Z Style’ that bring life to the common area in the apartment complex with its vivid colors and unique styles.

Hyundai E&C is trying new changes with its apartment brand, Hill State; They are trying to give life to the uniform area of the apartment complex. In June 2021, a new design concept for Hill State, Gen (Generation) Style, was unveiled. This design concept not only energizes the residents but also enhances the brand image by using various colors and sensual styles (patterns). Here, details of Gen Z Style were introduced, providing a unique residential experience that has not been found in current apartments - through artworks on a wide range of apartment common spaces, such as underground parking lots, mailboxes, and doorposts.

The visual identity of Hill State: Gen Z (Generation Z) Style

It symbolizes the origins of the Hill State
It symbolizes the balance and beauty of nature

Hyundai E&C developed Gen Z Style, an exclusive design concept to pursue the uniqueness of Hill State. In recent years, the appearance and exterior design of apartment buildings have been diversified. However, this mainly developed only the design of the logo engraved on the exterior wall or only improved the brand recognition of the apartment, so it was difficult for actual residents to enjoy such a change. For this reason, Hyundai E&C tried to make changes within the apartment complex for a pleasant and energetic life for its residents; The company tried to provide a new living experience by specializing the common spaces that residents use on a daily basis.

Gen Z Style has two main concepts. The first was based on the Hill State brand color, wine, and the structural beauty was emphasized by adding a color that harmonizes with it. The shape of ‘H’, the first letter of Hill State, is designed by repeating patterns on the exterior of the building that looks structurally crossed like a weave of fabric. The second expresses the life of an organism through the hexagon, the most perfect and stable shape, and formative language. This shows the beauty of balance by harmoniously using the colors extracted from nature in the pattern.

Color consultant Massimo Caiazzo collaborated to create unique patterns and color combinations of Hill State

Hyundai E&C collaborated with a world-famous color consultant Massimo Caiazzo (BE:A Company) and space directing company BE:A Company to develop a new exclusive design concept for Hill State. Through housing trend analysis and design research, as well as consumer preference analysis through surveys, they created the design elements that can maximize the uniqueness of residents’ living experiences.

Hyundai E&C plans to make Hill State apartments more stylish through Gen Z Style. The new concept covers the entire apartment complex - not only the overall view that determines the first impression of the apartment complex, but also the entrance, the entire exterior of the complex, and even the interior of each household - where the residents and visitors walk around, stay, look at, and touch. The concept is first applied to the underground parking lot and mailboxes - which are frequently used by residents - and then it will be gradually expanded to the pillars and public rest areas later on.

5 Second Gallery: No more dark and dreary parking lots

The dark parking lot in the basement of the apartment complex has been transformed into ‘5 Second Gallery’

The Gen Z Style was first applied in the underground parking lot; This is because the underground parking lot is the most urgently needed space among the entire complex area. The current underground parking lot doesn’t get much sunlight and even the lighting is sparsely installed, making the parking lot dark and dull. The space has been not only gloomy but also sometimes even created anxiety and fear.

Hyundai E&C painted the entire wall in soft ivory color to change the atmosphere of the underground parking lot

Hyundai E&C decided to use the underground parking lot as the first space to apply Gen Z Style to get rid of this negative image of the underground parking lot. This is to create a bright space by changing the design and lighting of the area. Hyundai E&C named the underground parking lot with Gen Z Style as ‘5 Second Gallery’, hoping that residents would feel as if they were in a gallery during a brief moment of time using the parking lot. The company debuted the 5 Second Gallery through Hill State Sokcho Central, which opened last November.

A sensuous style and text were added to the pillar in front of the east entrance, completed in Hill State’s unique color and style

The biggest feature of 5 Second Gallery is that it completely changed the atmosphere of the space by combining artistic elements. An art wall created in collaboration with artist Junkhouse (Hyundai Livart Art Lab) was installed on the large wall in places that residents often see - the entrance to the underground parking lot, the street lamp head, etc. In addition, other art walls were added to the small walls to change the atmosphere. Thanks to this, it conveys the feeling of entering a trendy gallery rather than an underground parking lot. Hill State’s unique colors and styles are applied to each building pillar, and function-emphasized signposts and neon-colored exit guidelines are utilized to help residents navigate easily within the apartment complex. In this way, the residents can feel stability and comfort, which also achieves the aesthetics of the space in the apartment building.

Signature Wall: The unusually designed mailbox

Hyundai E&C gives each residence a different color mailbox through the Signature Wall

The design concept Gen Z Style of Hill State was recognized for its excellence

The Gen Z Style is also used in the Hill State mobile application, which can be used as a key to a communal entrance and household door

Hill State residents-only mobile application has also changed its home screen, overall design, and User Interface (UI) to match Gen Z Style. Thanks to this, the visibility and usability of the app have been improved. In addition, Hyundai E&C is planning to integrate Hill State’s design manual and use Gen Z Style to give vitality and unity to the common lounge in the complex - such as the information board and tea house.

Gen Z Style was also applied to the Tea House, one of the lounges in the Hill State complex

The 5 Second Gallery, which applied Gen Z Style for the first time, won the RED Award in the innovation category at the ‘Korean Color Awards’ hosted by the Korean Society of Color Studies under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy last year; It was through such efforts that Hyundai E&C received recognition for its design excellence. The Korea Color Awards is the only color design-related award in Korea, which celebrated its 19th-anniversary last year.

Hyundai E&C provides a pleasant and comfortable living environment by carefully changing the places that residents see and touch

The Republic of Korea has a bitter nickname - the Republic of Apartments. However, this is due to the development of a form of public housing that can accommodate as many people as possible as the population is densely populated in large cities that can provide many jobs. Now, with urbanization spreading all over the world, not many would deny that apartments are an irreplaceable form of residence for mankind. As such, the advantages of apartments shine in densely populated areas.

Of course, apartments also have disadvantages - a uniform residential landscape, for example. This is the reason why Hyundai E&C, which is leading the domestic housing trend, introduced Gen Z Style. This will change the negative image of the apartment and highlight the uniqueness of each apartment. Hyundai E&C plans to lead a new lifestyle through the unique design concept of Hill State and to maximize its brand value.

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