A view of the left rear taillight of the vehicle taken from an angle A view of the left rear taillight of the vehicle taken from an angle

2024.08.09 Hyundai Motor Group 분량11min

The Ultimate Guide to Comprehensive Summer Car Maintenance

There is no perfect answer in car maintenance. It is all about being more thorough for safe driving, and this doesn't change much in the summertime.

Front side view of the vehicle being driven

While summer is the season when we use our cars the most, it is also the hardest time to thoroughly check their condition. Though driving is the most comfortable and convenient way to travel during extremely hot, humid weather or the monsoon season, these same conditions make it difficult to leisurely wash your car and identify any issues. However, we must not forget that summer is also the season when various problems, such as drainage issues caused by frequent rain, occur most frequently. This is why it is necessary to be more diligent when inspecting your car.

Essential Checks During a Car Wash

1. Maintaining the Weather Strip

the vehicle window to ride the vehicle window

Even those who enjoy self-washing their cars often neglect the weather strips because they are not easily visible. Yet, weather strips are essential components that assist in sealing the doors and body of the car. These moldings, made of rubber, sponge, or velvet, are mounted on the car’s openings to block rain, dust, and noise. Similarly, window felts and glass runs are designed to carry out these tasks.

the vehicle window to ride the vehicle window

The window felt that directly contacts the window often accumulates dust and other debris while driving as the window is opened and closed. If larger debris such as sand sticks to the window felt, it can cause noise by being crushed when the window is operated. Therefore, it is recommended to thoroughly clean all the weather strips during a self-wash.

2. Removing Tar

Spray on the fender behind the vehicle

Have you ever spotted black grime on the underside of your car during the summer? Most of it is probably mud or dirt, but you should consider the possibility of tar if it doesn't come off easily. Driving on newly paved asphalt roads can cause melted tar to adhere to your car due to friction heat. Additionally, during the rainy season, pieces of damaged asphalt can splash up and stick to your car. The sticky nature of tar makes it difficult and annoying to scrub away. In such cases, scrubbing with too much force can cause scratches, so it is best to apply a tar remover to the contaminated area, let it sit for a while, and then wipe it clean.

3. Keeping the Interior Dry

Spray on the interior of the vehicle

Floor mats are among the most easily soiled parts of a car's interior. They come into direct contact with dirt, dust, and rainwater from shoes. Hence, many people regularly wash them or spray deodorizer to maintain them. During the rainy season, extra caution is needed since floor mats may not dry well and can emit a musty odor. If the mats are soaked from rain or freshly washed, it's wise to set aside a day when the car is not in use to dry them completely.

Cleaning the interior of the vehicle with a vacuum cleaner

Moreover, if you don't use your car regularly, it is recommended to keep a dehumidifier inside. Regular driving provides natural ventilation, but a car left in one spot during humid weather can quickly become damp inside. Therefore, placing a dehumidifier in your car during the summer is very helpful for keeping the interior dry. It's best to choose a low-profile product that won't roll around while driving, as removing and replacing the dehumidifier every time you drive can be quite bothersome.

4. Using Anti-Fog Wipes

Wipe the car window with a tissue

Foggy windows on rainy days can be a romantic photo subject, but for drivers, they are simply a visibility issue. Fog on the interior side of the glass can easily be removed by turning on the air conditioner, but there are times when using the air conditioner is not an option. In such cases, it is beneficial to use anti-fog products like wipes. The best method, of course, is to use the air conditioner along with external air intake to minimize fogging.

5. Using Wiper Replacement Mode

holding the handle with one's right hand

Certain car models have wiper arms that retract under the hood when not in operation to reduce air resistance and noise during driving. This makes it impossible to manually lift the wiper arms for replacement. Fortunately, such vehicles usually have a wiper replacement mode. For instance, in the Kia Sorento used for this demonstration, you can activate this mode by turning off the ignition and moving the wiper lever to 'MIST' for 2 seconds within 20 seconds, causing the wiper arms to move to a vertical position.

Adjusting the wipers

Some online car maintenance tips suggest slightly bending the wiper arm to ensure the edge of the wiper blade fully contacts the glass. However, unless the wiper's angle is entirely incorrect and needs adjustment, this is unnecessary. Wiper blades are designed to make even contact with the glass across their entire surface, and bending the wiper arm can cause pressure to focus on certain areas, which is not recommended.

Things to Check at the Service Center:

1. Tire Pressure Check and Rotation

checking the air pressure of the tire

Some believe that lowering tire pressure during the summer is beneficial. This is because the air pressure inside the tires increases in hot weather, and this adjustment compensates for it. Tire pressure indeed has a significant impact on driving performance and ride comfort. Hence, meticulous drivers often have their own preferred tire pressure settings and may adjust them slightly lower for comfort or higher for high-speed driving.

However, if you don't regularly check your tire pressure, it is recommended not to deliberately lower it during the summer. Tires naturally lose air over time, and their pressure also drops when the outside temperature falls. Although it's best to frequently check and replenish the air pressure, this can be quite a hassle. Therefore, it is better to maintain the correct tire pressure year-round, since most tire issues arise from underinflation.

Checking the tire tread

It is also advisable to rotate your tires regularly to ensure long-term safety and use. The tires on all four wheels of a vehicle do not wear down evenly. The tires that transmit the driving force wear out the fastest. Therefore, by swapping the front and rear tires, you can ensure even wear on all four tires. Tire rotation is generally performed every 10,000 km. The common method is to change the positions of the front and rear tires, as well as the left and right tires, due to slight differences in wear. However, tires with directional or asymmetric designs cannot be switched from left to right. Additionally, if the tire sizes of the front and rear wheels are different, rotation is not possible.

2. Brake Fluid and ESC Module Inspection

Looking at the brake liquid lid

The brake system in a car is not only used for slowing down; it also plays a role in the operation of the Electronic Stability Control (ESC) module. When ESC senses unstable driving conditions, it momentarily applies the brakes to the necessary wheels to stabilize the vehicle. Therefore, responsiveness is key, and if the brake fluid deteriorates, the system won't perform as it should.


Brake fluid is a consumable that requires regular replacement due to its hygroscopic nature, which causes its performance to degrade over time. Additionally, since brake fluid operates solely within the piping, metal particles from the cylinder can mix in and form impurities like sludge, which can negatively affect the ESC module. If it has been a long time since you last changed your brake fluid, it is advisable to visit a service center and request a moisture check.

3. Engine Feels Odd on Rainy Days?

Checking spark plug status

Although it is a rare occurrence in today's cars, older vehicles might experience a change in engine performance during the rainy season. Electrical components like ignition coils or spark plugs can deteriorate over time, leading to problems such as engine misfires. For instance, aged spark plugs might have weaker or less directional sparks. The presence of moisture inside the cylinder during the rainy season can worsen these issues due to the conductive nature of electricity. If your engine feels different in the summer, it's advisable to visit a service center.

4. Sunroof and AC Drainage Check

A view of the sunroof drain

Did you know that sunroofs and air conditioners have drainage systems? The rubber molding around a sunroof helps block rainwater and debris but cannot completely seal it. Therefore, a separate drainage system is installed to prevent water from overflowing. If the drainage gets blocked with leaves and dust, the undischarged water may leak into the interior. Overflowing water can not only leave stains inside the car but also, in the worst-case scenario, soak the electronic modules, making regular checks essential. The process is simple: open the sunroof, pour water into the drainage area, and check if it drains efficiently.

Checking the vehicle's lower condition

In the case of air conditioners, the drainage system is generally located at the front of the vehicle. If you notice that no water is dripping under the car even after prolonged use of the air conditioner, you might suspect a clogged AC drain. In this case, water can accumulate on the floor inside the car, leading to interior flooding. The checking process is quite simple: observe if water is dripping from the front of the car when the air conditioner is in use. If you notice a problem, visiting a service center for a check-up is recommended.

Additional Useful Tips

1. When the Interior Gets Wet from Rain

Cleaning the interior of the vehicle

When getting in and out of the car on rainy days, there's always the concern that the interior or seats might get wet. While the interior and seats are treated with stain and water-resistant coatings, a little moisture is not a problem. Simply wiping them gently with a dry towel will suffice. However, for natural leather, water absorption can reduce its natural oils and lead to cracking. Thus, it is advisable to regularly apply leather conditioner to replenish the oils. If the seat gets soaked entirely, even into the foam inside, it is recommended to remove the seat from the vehicle and dry it thoroughly in a dry environment.

2. Using the HVAC System to Remove Stains and Smells

The operation of the air conditioner controller

In the summer, turning on the air conditioner sometimes results in an unpleasant smell. This happens because the evaporator in the car's air conditioner doesn't fully dry out. The evaporator stays cold while the air conditioner is running, leading to water condensation and creating a humid environment perfect for mold and bacteria. Therefore, it is important to remove this moisture after using the air conditioner. Approximately 5 minutes before arriving at your destination, press the A/C button to turn off the compressor and switch to ventilation mode. Set the air intake to external air and increase the fan speed to help remove the moisture.

If the car has the After Blow function, this removal process is not required. After Blow activates when the engine is off, automatically running the blower motor for a certain period to dry out the air conditioner. It can dry not only the evaporator but also any remaining condensation in the air ducts. This allows you to enjoy cool air conditioning until you reach your destination, making it very convenient and highly effective at removing moisture.

Front side view of the vehicle being driven

Cars are complex machines made of countless components. Despite being carefully built, the signs of aging, such as the wear of parts, are unavoidable over time. That is why car maintenance is essential. By carefully inspecting your car and replacing outdated parts, you can avoid serious breakdowns. Moreover, the methods aren't difficult at all. Simply by paying a bit more attention and investigating anything that feels off, you can enjoy a much more comfortable and safe driving experience.


Photography by Choi Jin-ho

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