Multiracial employees holding model airplanes and talking freely Multiracial workers holding a model airplane and having a conversation

2023.04.12 Internal Stakeholders 분량0min

Move for our People

“The Right Way for Our Growth”

HMG respects its members and guides them in enhancing their values.

Being aware that individual development leads to corporate growth and further social change, HMG encourages a climate of diversity and inclusiveness among employees and provides new growth opportunities with continuous competency development programs.

By protecting and respecting human rights, the Group guarantees employees’ fundamental rights and creates a healthy and reliable workplace through the internalization of health and safety. HMG aims to embody an organizational culture of equality, autonomy and creativity by innovating its corporate culture.


Three employees of various nationalities looking straight ahead and smiling broadly

Three employees of various nationalities looking straight ahead and smiling broadly

The spread of an organizational culture with diversity and inclusion is what HMG aims to achieve. For a better future and balanced growth, the Group pledges not to discriminate against any member by gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, cultural background, age, gender identity and political or religious beliefs. We will make continuous efforts to enable people with various backgrounds to feel free to be creative. Diversity is an indispensable value for our employees, customers, products/services, business activities and stakeholders. HMG, therefore, will actively consider social changes and reflect these factors as part of our corporate culture.

Human Rights

International requirements for corporations’ human rights management, going beyond voluntary compliance, have been enforced through legislation and regulations. EU published the ”Guidance on Due Diligence for EU Businesses to Address the Risk of Forced Labour in Their Operations and Supply Chains” and UN declared a resolution on ”New and Emerging Digital Technologies and Human Rights,”’ continuously emphasizing the importance of human rights management. HMG introduced the ”Human Rights Charter” to actively practice human rights management, prevent human rights abuses during its business activities and reduce corresponding risks in line with the paradigm shift of the global human rights management. The Group has built a system to internalize human rights management and operates the process of monitoring and managing human rights risks.

Multiracial workers looking straight ahead and smiling broadly

Corporate Culture Innovation

free office interior

HMG promotes innovation of its corporate culture of encouraging an adventurous attitude towards tasks in order to create a creative and horizontal organizational culture. The Group plans to facilitate a corporate culture that encourages active participation and mutual communication among employees by reflecting the results of the corporate culture diagnosis and the employees’ ideas. HMG aims to innovate the way it works by establishing an IT infrastructure that enables all employees to work efficiently and by eliminating inefficiencies, as well as by putting emphasis on leader-led change and practice. It also aims to introduce a system to improve the quality of life for employees and upgrade its performance management systems so that personal growth and goal achievement will ultimately result in organizational performance.

Talent Growth Experiences

View of employees and audience giving a ppt presentation in the company

HMG recognizes that upgrading employees’ competencies is a must to flexibly adapt to the transforming industry and develop innovative products and services. To this end, employees are given the opportunity to participate in training and competency development programs so that they can grow together with the company. While expanding job competency training to help employees contribute to business performance, the Group runs a learning support program for employees to develop their individual capabilities and careers and cultivates a culture of employee-led growth, allowing them to voluntarily learn together and form networks. HMG is committed to securing talents in the field of future strategic technologies in a timely manner to respond to the rapidly changing industry.

Occupational Health&Safety

SHARP Awards

HMG aims to prevent industrial accidents and respects workers’ rights to be protected from harm, to guarantee health and wellness, and to work safely. The Group takes various measures to prevent accidents and to spread a culture of safety in order to establish the highest level of safety and health culture in the industry. 

HMG plans to cultivate a pleasant work environment by protecting workers from hazardous machinery and facilities at workplace, preventing risks caused by hazardous substances in advance and making workers aware of the importance of safety and health. Efforts will be made to provide quality, safe jobs through ”safety and health leadership,” ”workers’ expansive participation in safety and health” and ”strict management of safety and health risks.”

Side view of male worker sorting boxes in warehouse

HMG Sustainability Report